Holly Lodge
Welcome to Holly Lodge
On behalf of our young people, staff and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), we would like to welcome you to Holly Lodge – ‘Where Young People are at the centre of what we do’.

About Holly Lodge
Holly Lodge is a registered mixed home offering medium to long-term placements for young people aged between 10-18 years. We recognise that caring for children who have experienced extreme trauma in their young lives is a challenging and complex task. The basis of our approach is the creation of a secure base for each child which we achieve through our relational model of care and dedicated individual key workers.
We also recognise the importance of providing a warm, safe and emotionally containing home for our young people and investing in the environment as a family would. There are individual bedrooms which can be personalised as a safe space and mealtimes are taken together to talk about everyday activities and what they would like to do in their spare time.
Routines, structure and boundaries are there to support and nurture the unmet needs of the children. Regular meetings, study days and case management meetings are all in place to maintain a culture of containment and space to consider each child’s progress.
We offer a complete assessment of need led by our Clinical Psychologist and children can access individual therapy through our in-house therapy team. We support each child’s individual educational needs with a range of options including home tutoring, small classrooms within our homes, internal Independent School (AYA College) and support with attending a mainstream provision.

Our Mission
To meet the therapeutic and cultural needs of “Children In Care, and to support them to recognise, achieve or maximise their full potential.