
Sankofa Care views training as an important element of support to foster carers. We recognise also that fostering has become increasingly demanding and complex. We are therefore committed to providing good quality training that is accessible and relevant to all our foster carers. We have devised comprehensive pre- and post-approval training packages which are available on an on-going basis.
Training is provided to:
- Help foster carers understand and become better at undertaking the role of ‘professional caregiver’
- Improve knowledge, develop and refine skills
- Establish an explicit, positive, framework of values which promotes equality of opportunity
- Ensure that all foster carers are competent and confident in safe caring and who are able to provide a child-focused safe environment thereby protecting children from harm
- Enable foster carers to promote the health and education of children and young people
All foster carers are encouraged to take responsibility for their own professional development. This will be practically supported through the creation and updates of individual training profiles as part of annual reviews. Children and young people will also have the opportunity to feedback their views about their carer via the foster carers’ annual review and the Children’s own support groups.