The Adoption Process

Foster To Adopt
- Carers are assessed using BAAF Form F, with additional information regarding permanency.
- Carers attend skills to foster training, with an additional day regarding adoption and permanency.
- Carers are presented to the joint adoption and fostering panel and approved as foster carers and adopters.
- Carers are matched with children and presented to the local authority fostering or permanency panel for matching.
- The fostering agreement should be for a period not exceeding three years followed by a legal permanency order, adoption or SGO.
- A Proportion of the interagency fee becomes payable at this point.
- If no legal permanence the placement remains as a long term foster placement and the agency considers a reduced fee.
- When an adoption application is agreed the agency negotiates with the local authority an on- going financial package for the carers.
- When the application has been lodged, the court will request an Annex A report for the court, the agency will complete the adoption agency section of the report, using information from the assessment and updates from home visits. This is completed by the allocated social worker.
- Adoption order granted
- Post Adoption support plan applies

- Applicants assessed using BAAF form PAR (new one)
- 2 stage process applies
- Child is placed foster with a view to adoption
- LA continue with court proceedings until final order and placement order granted
- Carers are paid an allowance
- Agency paid supervision allowance
- Placement order agreed, LA agency advisor agrees adoption as a plan
- Placement becomes an adoptive placement under Adoption Regulations.
- Interagency fee is paid (part)
- Adoption order granted
- Interagency fee is paid (final)
- Adoption support plan becomes relevant.