
Safeguarding At AYA College
AYA College recognises that all staff and Governors have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm and that the welfare of our students is our paramount concern.
Full details of the role of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads and schools responsibilities with regard to Safeguarding procedures can be found in the ‘AYA College Child Safeguarding Policy’ and Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 which is available from the school on request, and from the downloads section below.
Our Child on Child Abuse Policy (including sexual violence and sexual harassment between children) can be found here. Copies are also available from the school on request, and from the downloads section below.
Every single person who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play. The links provided below are useful resources and support we all can access from Croydon Local Authority.
Croydon Safeguarding Children’s Partnership:
Croydon Council Early Help:

AYA College Child Safeguarding – 2023
Keeping Children Safe in Education – KCSIE 2023
Child on Child Safeguarding Policy – 2023