Our Support To Children
& Young People

Our Commitment To Children And Young People In Our Care
At Holly Lodge, we are relentless in the pursuit of high expectations and aspirations for the children and young people in our care. We strive to make a difference to the lives of our children and young people and help them to maximise their full potential. The Registered Manager will ensure that the staff team and wider support networks work together to ensure that our children receive high quality care that guarantees their safety and enables them to make progress in all aspects of their lives. For each child or young person who is placed in our care, we aim to provide;
- A non-institutional therapeutic environment based on an atmosphere of approval and acceptance of the individual as a unique person with a background, personality and choices of their own.
- An atmosphere where young people can learn to value and develop personal relationships by providing situations and experiences that develop trust, self-esteem and mutual respect.
- A safe, non-judgmental environment and encourage age-appropriate development and a positive future.
- To work in close partnership with other agencies, in order to ensure the stability and wellbeing of the placement, along with optimal opportunities for the young person.
- To maintain an effective staff rota to meet the individual needs of the children placed at the home.